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Email Preferences

Email Marketing: What Do You Prefer?

Do you want to deliver carefully personalized, deeply engaging content to your patrons and subscribers?  All you have to do is ask them.

A preference site campaign is a great way to provide your subscribers options.  That way they can decide exactly what type of content to receive from you.

The more you know about a subscriber, the more targeted content you can create to increase their engagement.  Sell the right event to the right patron.

What is a preference site?

An email preference site (or center) allows your subscribers to choose from a variety of settings to help improve your communication with them.  Preference centers build trust and relevance into your marketing campaigns by giving your subscribers greater control over the communication flow. The more control you give recipients, the more likely they are to engage positively with your brand.

Consider what to ask.

  • Frequency of messages
  • Kinds of messages (newsletters vs. special offers)
  • Their personal interests: events / genres of events you offer (concerts, sports, etc.)

Did you know?

Personalization increases subscriber and patron loyalty. And as a result, subscribers are willing to  share more information with you.

In CrowdConnect you can quickly build a preference site campaign that will help you reach your communication goals.

Interested in CrowdConnect? Learn More

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