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CrowdConnect Email Marketing: Stop Sending to SPAM and Junk

Email Marketing: SPAM-less

Are your emails falling into SPAM traps? Event messages getting missed by potential patrons? Consider these tips to improve your message deliverability.

What is a SPAM Trap?

A SPAM trap is how an Internet Service Provider (ISP) protects subscribers from getting unwanted and unsolicited mail from ever reaching an inbox.  If caught in the trap, your IP address and your ‘from domain’ will be blocked.

How does it affect my event marketing?

When your domain and IP address get blocked, your marketing messages don’t reach your subscribers’ inboxes, your deliverability rates sink, and restoring your venue’s reputation can becoming a large undertaking.

Here are some tips to keep your messages out of SPAM and junk mail:

Who Gets Your Messages…?

Make sure you create a permission-based subscriber list and continue to focus on those who engage with your messages.  The Open Rate and Click Rates are key indicators in this area.

Content is King!

  1. Create content that is relevant, engaging to your subscribers and keep testing to optimize your performance.  Read more about A/B testing.
  2. Using a wide array of styles, colors, and font sizes (especially larger then 12pt) can be a formatting no-no and easily make your subscribers think your email is SPAM.  So, stick to a simple palate.

Subject Lines Matter! 

Besides creating an incentive to read an email, subject lines can encourage subscribers to mark your messages as SPAM.  Consider the following when creating your subject lines:

  1. Using ALL CAPS can appear as if you are shouting.  Make sure whatever you capitalize actually needs it – when in doubt – skip the CAPS.
  2. Multiple exclamation points don’t necessarily create a sense of drama, they can come across as false enthusiasm.  Instead consider focusing your subject line on relevant, thought-provoking copy.
  3. Just like multiple exclamation points, using too many Emojis can affect your deliverability.  Consider what Emoji is relevant, and how many, if any, are necessary for your target audience.  Read more about using Emojis.
  4. Special characters like “$” and “#” can also trigger your subscribers to think your email is SPAM.  So, if you don’t need them, leave them out.
  5. There are a lot of words that SCREAM SPAM and can quickly get you blacklisted.  Make sure to avoid using words/phrases like: “Free”, “Best Price”, “No Obligation”, “Discount”, “Will not Believe Your Eyes”, “Why Pay More”, “This isn’t Spam”, “This Won’t Last”.  Instead try focusing on subjects with personalization, such as “Hi [Name], do you want to go to a concert?”  Check out this list of SPAM trigger words.

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