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CrowdConnect Email Opens on Mobile Devices

Email Marketing: Opens by Device

Did you know that roughly 85% of email subscribers use smart phones to access email?  And roughly 70% of mobile users delete badly formatted messages in under three seconds?

Time is short.  Consider simple ways you can learn about your subscribers to improve your ticket sales on mobile.

Opens by Device

Opens by device is a quick report to understand whether your subscribers are opening emails on a mobile device or on a desktop.   If you host a variety of events at your venue, this can also be a helpful tool to identifying which events are more likely to be opened on a mobile or desktop.  

5 Quick Creative Considerations for Marketing Events on Mobile

  1. Short subject lines. Longer subject lines may not display on a mobile device.
  2. Keep images to under 600-pixel width. Some mobile devices can’t handle responsive designs.
  3. Use a large font. A small screen makes fonts smaller, consider using a 14-pixel font to make it easier on the eyes.
  4. Create a simple call to action. A button is an easy way to identify where a patron should click where as an image does not have that same effect.
  5. Use a single-column templates. Multiple columns may condense and be hard to navigate on a small device.

CrowdConnect the official email marketing platform makes it easy to look at Open by device metrics.

If you are a current client interested in learning more about the Open by device reports within CrowdConnect, read on from our Knowledge Base.

Interested in CrowdConnect the official email marketing platform powered by WhatCounts? Learn More.

CrowdConnect Email Marketing Who Clicks Matters

Email Marketing: Who Clicks Matters

Who clicks matters.

Your email subscriber data can help you understand your patrons, their interest in your events, the content that they care about and more.

Planning to market your next event?

Consider looking back at your previous emails with an Event Report.

An Event Report can help you identify which of your contacts have taken specific actions such as opening your email, clicking on individual links, and even unsubscribing.   Plus, an Event Report can be run for specific email campaigns or for a given date range.

Once you know who is engaging, you can improve targeting for future marketing efforts.

Who matters?

The ones who clicked and the ones who did not.

If you promoted multiple concerts in the same email campaign, then you can use reports to identify which contacts clicked on each variation.  You can then decide who to follow up with on one concert, both concerts, or none based on that information.

For those who did not click, perhaps a new marketing message will be your plan.

The email readers and nonreaders.

Open rate can also tell you a lot about your marketing message.  For instance, if you are testing your subject lines with multiple email campaigns to sample audiences, email opens can provide you with insights on the strength & success of your subject line.

Read more about the value of the A/B test to improve your open rates.­­­

With CrowdConnect you can quickly run Event Reports that will help you better understand your subscribers as well as your patron marketing strategies.

Interested in CrowdConnect? Learn More

Already a CrowdConnect user?  Check out how to run an Event Report now.

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