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Email Marketing: Image Size Matters

Does my image size matter in my emails?

The short answer is yes.

Too large of an image file can cause rendering delays, impact deliverability, and mess with your formatting. Too small of an image can become blurry or out of focus.

Here are a couple of standards used today to get you started:

Generally, best-fit images tend to be 600px-620px wide while the length is often adjustable to the design.

Text on images should be large enough to be legible when images are sized down on a mobile device.  If there is a legal copy or small print that should be done with HTML live text if possible.

Quick Tip:

A background can help with email width if you want to extend it beyond the image to adjust with the subscriber screens.

Images typically can be one of the three file types: JPEG, PNG, or GIF format.

  • PNG files are best for retaining resolution and transparency (if that’s what you need).
  • JPEG/JPG files are sometimes smaller file sizes and work better for photos
  • GIF files are used to incorporate motion into your emails.

File type must be determined BEFORE uploading the image to CrowdConnect.  Once the file is loaded, the file type cannot be changed.

Quick Tip:

Always include ALT text just in case your subscribers have images disabled.

There are many more factors to consider when creating your best and most appropriate email design.

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Welcome Series

Email Marketing: Always Welcome

An automated welcome email series can be a great way to start your email subscriber relationship off right.

An underestimated yet easy process to implement, the welcome series email campaign can yield high performance.

What’s great about this tactic is that you can set it up when you have downtime between events, or really any time of the year.

What Is a Welcome Series?

This is the email introduction to your new email subscribers to your venue, performer, or event brand. Over a “series” of emails, the goal is to build awareness, and affinity that will not only help you to sell tickets but also to help you keep them as part of your subscriber circle.

Planning & Timing.

One of the fundamental elements to the series is the “Welcome” notion.  Consider timing.  You probably would scoff at a “Welcome” message if it came too late or if you’d already been receiving emails from this address for a while.  So, start fresh with those new subscribers that just signed up and those new ticket purchasers with an immediate message.

Follow Up.

As a series, it’s important to follow up on your welcome.  Consider this as the show and tell the message.  This is the time to show your new subscribers the benefits you offer and how you will reward them with ticket discounts, new events schedules, and more.

Follow Up Again.

Engage with your subscribers and ask them to share with you what they like or any key information to help you build affinity.

For example, do you prefer these kinds of events?  When is your birthday?

Note about asking information: You should always be transparent!  Anytime you are collecting information it is very important to explain how that information will be used.  If you are collecting a birthday,  tell the patron why.  For example, to provide a birthday discount on tickets.

With CrowdConnect the official email marketing platform powered by WhatCounts, you can easily create and automate a Welcome Series.

If you are a current client learn more about setting up your first welcome email in CrowdConnect, check out the

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Email Segmentation

Email Marketing: Engagement Segmentation

Simple yet effective – segmenting your email lists to focus on your engaged subscribers can help you increase your open rates & clickthrough rates.

Who is an “Engaged” Subscriber?

An engaged email subscriber is someone that has last opened or clicked an email within the last 30-90 days depending on your email frequency.

Who is an “Unengaged” Subscriber?

An unengaged email subscriber is someone that has not opened or clicked in the last 30 / 90-180 days.

Emails can be set up in CrowdConnect or your email marketing platform with a variety of rules, if/and statements to help define what works best for your business model and target the subscribers ready to open and click.

How does this help?

  1. Engagement segments help you to track your subscribers’ level of interaction with your emails.
  2. They help you identify subscribers who have lost interest in your content.
  3. Focusing on engaged audiences will increase the likelihood an email will be opened, read, and your ticket purchase links are clicked – and your overall ROI.

Why Not Send to My Whole List?

Emails do come at a cost, the more emails you send, the greater cost you incur.  And while the cost increases, the effectiveness of your email overall decreases.

With CrowdConnect the official email marketing platform powered by WhatCounts we will help you easily segment your emails and fish where the fish are.

If you are a current client check out how to easily segment your engaged subscribers and start increasing your ROI today.

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Email Marketing: Emojis in Emails 🎟

Fun & Playful, Emojis: Can they help or hurt your emails?

It seems like a small thing, but the subject line in an email is a major factor in increasing your open rate. 

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves – is the emoji in a subject line right for everything?  Probably not.

And if we send too many emails with Emojis it can also have a negative effect on consumers which ultimately unsubscribe. 

So, what’s the answer?  Testing of course!  Make sure you test your subject lines using A/B testing.  This can help you determine if the Emoji is an attention grabber or an annoyance.

As you put your tests together, here are some best practices to consider.

  • It can be too much of a good thing: Just like WRITING IN ALL CAPS, too many Emojis may indicate spam to recipients.
  • Context is key: with thousands of Emojis you can customize your choice to be relevant.
  • Consider your target audience: A survey of 1,000 Americans showed that, millennials regard using emojis positively.
  • Email Tone: Emojis can change an email from formal to playful. If you are messaging something serious, maybe skip the Emoji.

With CrowdConnect, the official email marketing platform powered by WhatCounts, we will help you easily add and test Emojis to your ❤️’s content.   

If you are a current client, learn more about setting up your new welcome series in CrowdConnect:

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Email Marketing: Button Up.

Buttons, links, and other clickable actions are a major part of creating an email campaign with purpose.  So, let’s get down to some strategies to help you improve your click-ability.

The link is a powerful tool that can be placed on text, and images. 

Something to consider is the hover.  When you roll your mouse over this link – what does it say?  Does it give you context on where it will take you? 

Links are primarily used to “go somewhere.” Any time someone is navigating to a website, using a link is helpful and can be a good formula for providing more in-depth information.

Why Use a Button?

Buttons on the other hand are typically used to indicate an ACTION or getting a subscriber to “do something”, like buy a ticket.  They also have the ability to stand out.

With CrowdConnect the official email marketing platform powered by WhatCounts you can easily add buttons and links to optimize your email performance.   

If you are a current client learn more about how to set up Buttons and Links in CrowdConnect today.

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Email Marketing: The Value of the A/B Test.

We all know that data is running behind so many of our marketing tactics, but we don’t all know how best to take advantage of what the data can do for us.  With a few simple process changes you can make your email marketing a more effective tool in your marketing arsenal. 

One of the simplest ways to make an improvement is to use data to test out your theory.  An A/B email test can help you figure out what’s engaging your email subscribers and what’s not.    Using a sample size of your market test 1 change and compare your Open Rate results as well as engagement metrics like Click Rate to determine which version was most effective.  Use that answer to be your winning send to the rest of your target market.

Here are 5 simple A/B tests that you can use today!

  1. Subject Lines
  2. Image Choices
  3. Color Choices
  4. Promotional Offers
  5. Placement of your Purchase Link

With CrowdConnect the official email marketing platform powered by WhatCounts your test results are easy to read as you analyze your subscribers.    

If you are a current client learn more about how to set up A/B tests in CrowdConnect using our Knowledge Base.

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