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Email Marketing: Emojis in Emails 🎟

Fun & Playful, Emojis: Can they help or hurt your emails?

It seems like a small thing, but the subject line in an email is a major factor in increasing your open rate. 

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves – is the emoji in a subject line right for everything?  Probably not.

And if we send too many emails with Emojis it can also have a negative effect on consumers which ultimately unsubscribe. 

So, what’s the answer?  Testing of course!  Make sure you test your subject lines using A/B testing.  This can help you determine if the Emoji is an attention grabber or an annoyance.

As you put your tests together, here are some best practices to consider.

  • It can be too much of a good thing: Just like WRITING IN ALL CAPS, too many Emojis may indicate spam to recipients.
  • Context is key: with thousands of Emojis you can customize your choice to be relevant.
  • Consider your target audience: A survey of 1,000 Americans showed that, millennials regard using emojis positively.
  • Email Tone: Emojis can change an email from formal to playful. If you are messaging something serious, maybe skip the Emoji.

With CrowdConnect, the official email marketing platform powered by WhatCounts, we will help you easily add and test Emojis to your ❤️’s content.   

If you are a current client, learn more about setting up your new welcome series in CrowdConnect:

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