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How can my venue get ready to re-open?

Reopening your venue after this hard-hitting pandemic is likely one of the most difficult operational tasks your venue will take on.  But as the world opens up and begins to embark on its new normal, re-opening may mean surviving yet another tough year.  While the world begins to reopen and embark on its new normal, re-opening may mean surviving yet another difficult year.

Developing strategies to make this possible – can make all the difference.  To get you started – has put together some simple steps to help your venue succeed while keeping your patron and staff safety as a top priority. 

What is Social Distance Seating?

Social Distance Seating in short is making room for pods or groups of the same party to sit with one another, while maintaining a minimum distance from a different pod or group.  

5 Simple Strategies to Social Distance Seating. 

  1. Plan Seating Configuration Accordingly – Consider setting up your venue seating based on general admission configurations (seating by zones) to separate parties.  Alternately consider planning reserved pod-seating.  By examining your venue map and patterns in multi-ticket purchases you can map out an optimal reserved seating configuration to sell in pods.
  • Save Your Seats Appropriately – Use a ticketing platform like ProVenue to manage your inventory with extended seat definitions, and hold codes.  
  • Empower Your Patrons – Provide digital tickets and self-service ticket management for your patrons with a web-application like MyProVenue you can minimize staff and patron contact.  Consider software that has the flexibility to forward tickets while maintaining social distance pods as well as one that makes flexible schedules work.  We all know there will be some movement – so make sure that patrons can manage exchanges, vouchers, and account credits without overburdening your staff.
  • Talk to Your Patrons – In times of trouble – MORE communication is better.  Use whatever customizable text you can to provide your patrons all the information they need to purchase socially distanced seats and enter your venue safely.   In MyProVenue, from purchase flow to event day messages, can be customized to provide guidelines, venue rules and more.  When “talking” to patrons consider using QR codes to quickly direct patrons to key messaging including: how to access digital tickets and safety protocols. 
  • Go Contactless at the Entrance – Pedestals that use Near Field Communication (NFC) technology are a great way to limit the staff scanning at entry and VIP areas as they can be unattended.  Also consider hand-held devices that use NFC to reduce entry friction. makes contactless simple with Alfred, our all-in-one access control solution, which syncs seamlessly with ProVenue our ticketing platform and MyProVenue our patron digital ticketing technology.   

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